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In PBM Building investigation, the expertise of our construction health specialists is utilized at the sites that need a comprehensive assessment of various issues, including potential health hazards in the indoor air, in addition to assessing the general condition of the structures. For example, when a condition assessment is made at a site, the construction health specialist inspects the building comprehensively and investigates any health-related issues in the indoor air.


A certified construction health specialist fulfills the requirements specified in the paragraph 49d of the Health Protection Act for external experts on moisture and mold damages and problems in indoor air quality. In investigations covered by the Health Protection Act, it is the task of the construction health specialist to assess how any damages and faults found in the building impact the indoor air quality and to make, for example, an assessment of exposure circumstances.


Our experienced construction health specialists also provide services in various kinds of disputes related to home sales, and they can also provide special expertise in indoor air quality work groups.


Construction health specialists are certified by Eurofins Expert Services Oy. This is how they define these experts: ”A certified building health specialist has a wide scope of expertise. These experts know indoor air contaminants and their health impacts as well as investigation methods and control strategies. They understand the physics of construction and the physical circumstances, and they know the methods for making condition assessments. They know construction and production technologies as well as the legal aspects related to this subject, and they also understand the basics of ventilation and air conditioning technologies.”

As a certified building health specialist PBM has a wide scope of expertise. Our experts know indoor air contaminants and their health impacts as well as investigation methods and control strategies. Our experts understand the physics of construction and the physical circumstances, and they know the methods for making condition assessments.
Do you need help from our experts?
Call us or contact us below.

Specialist of asbestos and dangerous substances – Certificate of construction No C-25680-33-20

Virve Ruokamo


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