PBM Arctic examines all soil samples taken by the company’s own basic research unit and, in addition, conducts extensive testing on soil samples taken by others. PBM Arctic acts as a partner and quality controller for civil engineering contractors for the examination of soil samples.
PBM Arctic ground laboratory testing includes e.g. the following tests:
Visual assessment of soil type
Water content (SFS-EN 1097-5)
Granularity determination (SFS-EN 933-1 and PANK-2103)
Small particle content
Humus content, combustion method (SFS-EN 1744-1)
Humus content, NaOH method (SFS-EN 1744-1)
Proctor compaction, 1-stage (SFS-EN 13286-2)
Improved proctor compaction, 4-stage (SFS-EN 13286-2)
Fineness number (cone test (SFS-EN 17892-6))
Granular shape of coarse aggregate (flatness number (SFS-EN 933-3))
Shape value (SFS-EN 933-4)
Determination of density and water absorption (SFS-EN 1097-6)
Proportion of fractured granules in coarse aggregate (SFS-EN 933-5)
Water absorption height (SFS-EN 1097-10)
Determination of wear resistance, Micro-Deval (SFS-EN 10997-1)
Determination of impact resistance, LosA (SFS-EN 1097-2)
Determination of studded tire wear resistance. Nordic test, ball mill (SFS-EN 1097-9)
Crushing of samples 0-18 mm
We can also perform other soil sample tests, ask PBM Arctic staff for more options.