The condition assessment of the property serves as a starting point for maintenance planning, and provides the property owner with valuable information on the expected renovation and further research needs.
A carefully prepared condition assessment also provides important information on the total cost of maintaining the property to support the decision making. The condition assessment is often accompanied by a Long-Term-Plan proposal, which sets out the urgency and timing of the repairs expected over a 10-year period, and assesses the amount of future repair costs.
The most common condition assessment is prepared for the entire property, in which case, in addition to the common areas, some of the residential apartments are inspected with an agreed sample. However, a condition assessment can also be prepared, for example, focusing only on the washrooms of apartments, in which case it is a so-called wet room condition assessment.
A condition assessment made in connection with a home sale provides both the seller and the buyer with valuable information about the condition of the property for sale, as well as, among other things, the possible repair needs, risk structures and special features of the property for sale. The carefully and professionally prepared condition assessment also presents the necessary proposals for measures and the needs for further research.
The condition assessment of the housing trade consists of non-destructive surveys. The condition assessment of the housing sale of detached houses inspects all the premises of the building, and the inspection also includes, among other things, the water roof, the upper floor and the yard area of the building. In connection with the housing sale of residential apartments, the inspection can also be made more limited on a case-by-case basis, and the inspection can be concentrated, for example, only in wet rooms.
On the basis of the inspection, a report is prepared on the findings. If further research needs are identified in connection with the fitness assessment, the fitness assessment can be supplemented with fitness inspections if necessary.
The condition assessment is a basic tool for the managed and planned maintenance and renovations of every housing association. The condition assessment can be carried out either for the entire property, or focused only on the bathrooms, for example.
Specialist of asbestos and dangerous substances – Certificate of construction No C-25680-33-20
Virve Ruokamo